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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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International Bureau 


(51) International Patent Classification ^ : 

C12Q mo, GOIN 27/327, C12M 1/40, 
C12Q 1/54, 1/26 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 99/58709 

(43) IntematioDal Pablication Date: 18 November 1999 (18.1 1.99) 

(21) International Application Number: PCr/GB99/01 424 

(22) International Filing Date: 6 May 1999 (06.05.99) 

(30) Priority Data: 

8 May 1998 (08.05.98) 


(71) Applicant (for ail desisnated States except US)t ABBOTT 

LABORATORIES [USAJS]; 100 Abbott Park Road, Abbott 
Park, IL 60064-3500 (VS). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/AppUcants (for US only): STEWART, Alan, An- 
drew [GB/GB]; 6 Meadow Lane, Pangboume, Reading, 
Berkshire RG8 7NB (GB). SCOTT, Steven [GB/GB]; Ben- 
haven, Horn Lane, East Hendred, Oxfonlshire 0X12 8LD 

(74) Agent: HOWE, Steven; Lloyd Wise, Tregcar & Co., Com- 
monwealth House, 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WCl A 
ILW (GB). 

(81) Designated States: AU. BR. CA, JP. MX, US, European patent 
(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE. DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR. IE, FT, 
LU, MC, NL» FT, SB). 


With international search report. 

(54)Tiae: TEST STRIP 
(57) Abstract 

An improved disposable test strip for use in amperometric mea- 
surement of analytes in complex liquid media, such as blood, which 
has three or more dectrodcs has been developed. This strip is designed 
so that different electrical potentials can be maintained between a com- 
mon pseudo reference^counter electrode and each of the otl^r electrodes 
vspom the imposition of a common potential by an amperometric meter. 
This capability is imparted to the test strip by providing different cir- 
cuit resistances for each of these other electrodes^ The test strip can be 
utilized to measure a single analyte such as ghicose witti a background 
compensation via a Mummy** dectrode or it can be used to measure the 
concentratioD of multiple anafytes. 


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wo 99/58709 




The measurement of analytes such as glucose in complex liquid media 
such as human blood by amperometric methods using disposable test strips 
has become widely used and is currently employed in a number of 
commercial products. In certain configurations it is advantageous to 

10 improve the si^l to noise ratio by employing a three electrode system in 
wfaidi one electrode serves as a pseudo reference/counter electrode to 
establish a reference potential. Typically this is a silver/silver chloride 
electrode. A second, woiidng electrode is coated with an enzyme which 
promotes an oxidation or a reduction reaction with the intended analyte and 

15 a mediator which transfers electrons between the enzyme and the electrode. 
The third "dummy" electrode is coated with the mediator but not the enzyme 
and it provides a measure of the current which arises from other than the 
oxidation reduction reaction involving the target analyte. An example of 
such a system is described in U.S. Patent No. 5,628,980 to Carter, et al. 


\yo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

(incorporated by reference herein) and is utilized in the Medi Sense QID ^ 
glucose meter. 

The three electrode system provides a good way to isolate the current 
which arises from the oxidation reduction reaction involving the target 
5 analyte such as glucose but it also imposes a higher current load on the 
pseudo reference/counter electrode. In some testing envirorraients such as 
glucose meters used by diabetics iii their homes it is impractical or 
impossible to pretreat the samples to remove possible interferants. Thus 
with home use glucose meters the diabetic simply applies a sample of whole 

10 blood. Whole blood typically contains a niimber of electrochemically active 
species whose concentration may vary from person to person or even from 
sample to sample from the same individual. The dummy electrode provides 
a measure of current arising from the presence of these interfmnts thus 
allowing a normalization which ranoves their contribution to the current 

15 measured at the working electrode. However, in such a three electrode 
configuration the current seen by the pseudo reference/counter electrode 
includes contributions from both the working electrode and the dummy 
' electrode. Thus in some cases the pseudo reference/county jelectrode sees a 
significantly greater current than it would in a two electrode configuration. 

wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

The pseudo reference/counter electrode in siich a configuration is, in 
fact, serving two roles which can be inconsistent if the current it sees 
becomes too great. It serves, on the one hand, to provide a constant half-cell 
potential, i.e. a reference potential and, on the other hand, it also serves as a 
counter electrode balancing the electron transfer occurring at the working 
and dummy electrodes. For instance, in a typical glucose meter,mediator is 
becoming oxidized at the working and dummy electrodes so a reduction 
reaction needs to occur at the pseudo reference/counter electrode to balance 
the electron transfer. With the typical Ag/AgCl pseudo reference/counter 
electrode this involves the reduction of silver ions thus consuminig (or 
reducing) silver chloride. If too much silver chloride is consumed the 
pseudo reference/counter electrode can no longer serve its fimction of 
providing a source of constant half-cell potential. In other words, the 
potential difference between the two electrode reactions such as the 
oxidation of a mediator at the working electrode and the reduction of silver 
at the pseudo reference/counter electrode will actually shift as the reaction 

One approach is to redesign the pseudo reference/counter electrode to 
handle higher current loads without displaying a significant shift in half-cell 
potential. This would normally mean increasing the size or silver 

wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

concentration of the pseudo reference/counter electrode relative to the 
working and dummy electrodes. It is difficult to further reduce the size of 
the working electrode because its size has already been minimized. It is 
limited by the economically acceptable procedures for reproducibly 
manufacturing millions of such disposable test strips. On the other hand, 
increasing the size or silver concaitration of the pseudo reference/counter 
electrode would significantly increase the cost of such three electrode 
disposable strips because silver is the most expensive material used in the 
construction of such strips. 

Therefore, there is a need for three electrode disposable test strips for 
use in amperometric systems whose cost is comparable to two electrode test 
strips and yet have pseudo reference/counter electrodes with about the same 
stability as in the two electrode test strips. 

It has been discovered that the current load on the pseudo 
reference/counter counter electrode in a disposable test strip/or tise in 
amperometric measurements with a three electrode system can be decreased 
and therefore its half cell potential better stabilized by increasing the 

wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

resistance of the dummy electrode. This allows three electrode test strips to 
give better perfonnahce without changing the operating characteristics of the 
meters in which they are used. 

Increasing the resistance of the dummy electrode not only reduces the 
total current passing through the pseudo reference/counter electrode but it 
also changes the potential at the dummy electrode's interface with the 
sample. Thus it is possible to have a three electrode system which can 
simultaneously measure the concentration of two analytes. The effective 
potential at the "dummy* electrode with the higher total resistance can be 
adjusted to be too lo>y to effect an oxidation reduction reaction indicative of 
the concentration of one of the two target analytes. 

It is preferred to have the resistance of the dummy electrode be at 
least 1000 ohms greater than that of the working electrode and it is 
especially preferred that the resistance differential be at least about 4000 

It is also preferred that the resistance of the dummy electrode be 
increased by putting a resistance in series with the active electrode surface of 
this electrode. Thus both the area and nature of the active sur&ce of the 
dummy electrode are kept similar or identical to that of the working 
electrode. This can readily be achieved by increasing the resistance of the 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99yO]424 

conductive track which connects the active electrode surface to the meter 
. which applies the potential and measures the resulting current. In the typical 
disposable strip for amperometric analyte measurement three electrode 
surfaces are present on one end of an elongated flat strip and three contact 

5 pads, one for each of the electrode surfaces, are present on the other end of 
the strip. Each electrode surface is connected to its contact pad by a 
conductive track. The contact pads serve as the means to estabhsh electrical 
contact between the strip and the meter which applies the potential and 
measures the resultant current The conductive tracks are typically covered 

10 by an insulating layer to prevent any short circuits between them. 

It is particularly preferred to increase the resistance of the conductive 
track of the dummy electrode by narrowing its width. If this conductive 
track is made of the same material as the working electrode^s conductive 
track and has about the same thickness as the conductive track of the 

15 working electrode it will have a higher resistance. Such a mechanism of 
increasing resistance is particularly easy to implement 


wo 99/58709 

An example 
in accordance with 

Figs, la and lb are schematic diagrams depicting the conductive 
layers of electrodes of disposable test sUips having dummy/second working 
electrodes with narrowed conductive layers. 

Fig. 2 is a schematic diagraiii depicting the conductive layers of 
electrodes of a control disposable test strip ; 

Fig. 3 is an Kcploded view of a disposable lest strip ; 

Fig. 4 is a perspective view of the assembled strip of Fig. 3 ; and 
Fig, 5 is a sraies of plots of current in microamps versus time in 
seconds for a working electrode subjected to an initial potential of 4G0 
millivolts in the presence of a glucose containing sanq?le for various dummy 
electrode configurations. 

The three electrode disposable test strip for the amperpinetric measufement 
of analytes in complex liquid media is optimized to improve th^ si^l to 
5 noise ratio without imposing an excessive current load on the 

reference/counter electrode by increasing the resistance of the dummy 
electrode, i.e. the electrode which carries the electrochemical mediator also 

of the present Invention will be described 
the acconpanying drawings, in which: 

wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

Utilized at the working electrode but which has no enzyme or other reactant 
selected to engage the analyte in an oxidation reduction reaction. A typical 
environment for the application of this concept is the three electrode test 
strip described in U.S. Patent No. 5,628,890 for the deteraiination of glucose 

5 in whole blood samples. 

Such a test strip is typically constructed of an elongated strip of a rigid 
electrically non-conducting material such as plastic. Suitable plastics 
include PVC, polycarbonate or polyester. Three conductive tracks are laid 
on this strip so as to establish independent conductive paths from one end to 

10 the other. Each track terminates at the end adapted to be proximate to the 
meter used to apply electrical potential and measure the resulting currents 
with a contact pad that interfaces with the meter. At the distal end of the 
strip each track tenjiinates in an electnxie adapted to contact the complex 
liquid medium which carries the analyte to be measured A typical medium 

15 is whole himaan blood and a typical analyte is glucose. 

The working electrode is a pad which is coated with both a substance 
del^igned to engage the target analyte in an oxidation-reduction reaction and 
a i£ediator adapted to transfer electrons between 

reduction reaction. A typical substance is an enzyme adapted to promote the 
20 oxidation of glucose, such as glucose oxidase, and thet mediator is a 


WO99/OT709 PCT/GB99/0I424 

compound which readily transfers electrons from the oxidation reduction 
reaction to the pad, such as a ferrocene derivative. 

The "dummy" electrode is a pad which preferably has the same 
surface area as the working electrode and is coated with the siame amount of 
the same mediator as the working electrode. The concept is to provide an 
environment in the immediate vicinity of this "dummy" electrode which is 
essentially identical to that of the working electrode except for the 
substance, typically an enzyme, adapted to react with the target analyte. 
Then the spurious electrochemical reactions which might occur at the : 
working electrode giving rise to noise are just as Ukely to occur at the 
"dummy" electrode. Thus the signal arising from such spurious reactions 
can be determined by measurement at the "dmmny" electrode and subtracted 
from the total signal measured at the working eliectrode. This provides an 

improved signal to noise ratio. 

The pseudo reference/counter electrode is a pad with a material such 
as silver/silver chloride which has both the oxidize^d and reduced form of a 
species to provide an essentially constant half-cell potential. So long as the 
relative proportions of the reduced and oxidized form of this species siich as 
silver and silver chloride are not substantially changed the half-cell potential 
of this electrochaiiical couple will remain relatively constant. This 

wo 99/58709 


facilitates being able to maintain a known constant oxidation or reduction 
potential at the working electrode. This allows a production batch of 
disposable test strips to have a common calibration. 

In the typical situation the disposable strips are utilized with a meter 
which functions to correlate the amount of current observed upon the 
application of an extanal potential to the contact pads of the disposable strip 
to the amount of analyte present. This meter is designed to assume certain 
electrical characteristics will be observed upon the appUcation of this 
extemal potential. One such assumption is that the amount of current 
observed vwU decrease monotonically with time! If the current does not 
decay ia the cTipected manner the meter is programmed to abort the test. If 
the half-cell potential of the pseudo reference/counter electrode such as a 
silver/silver chloride electrode shifts the current characteristics may indeed 
fail to meet the ojpectations programmed iiito the meter causing an aborted 

/test. . • , 

For escample the half^dl potaitial of the silver/silver 

electrode will shilt if the proportion of silver tp silver chlcaide is changed. 

As rairrent flows through this electrode silver is either redticed or oxidized, 

depending on the nature of the reaction occurring at the working electrode. 

In the typical meter for sensing glucose concentration glucose is oxidized at 


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the working electrode reducing the mediator. The mediator then transfers 
the electron or electrons it has gained in this reduction reaction to its 
electrode pad. These electrons are then taken up at the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode. In the typical case this is a silver/silver chloride 
electrode and the electrons are taken up by the reduction of silver ions 
transforming silver chloride to silver metal. 

If a sufficient amount of current passes through such a pseudo 
reference/counter electrode the proportion of silver to silver chloride will 
change enough to cause a noticeable change in the half-cell potential of this 
electrode. If this change becomes large enough the current at the working 
electrode may no longer decay monotonically. This in turn will cause the 
meter to sense an error condition and abort the test * 

The current at the working electrode arises from the oxidation 
reductioii reactioii involving the target analyte and the subsequent transfer of 
electrons by the mediator. In the typical glucose meter glucose is oxidized 
by glucose oxidase and the mediator, for instance a ferrocene derivative, 
then transfers the electrons liberated by the oxidation of the glucose to its 
electrode pad. In detail the glucose oxidase becomes reduced by oxidizing 
the glucose in the sample which is exposed to the disposable test strip and 
then is reoxidized by reducing the mediator. The mediator in tum becomes 


wo 99/58709 


reoxidized by transferring electrons through its electrode pad to the circuit 
with the pseudo reference/counter electrode. Normally the current arising 
from this transfer decays monotonically in accordance with the Cottrell 
equation as the mediator in reasonable diffusion distance to the electrode pad 

5 which was reduced by reaction with glucose oxidase is reoxidized 
However, this behavior is dependent upon the potential at the working 
electrode being held at or above a certain potential relative to the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode. If the potential at this pseudo reference/counter 
electrode shifts, the behavior at the working electrode may no longer follow 

10 this pattern. 

The disposable strips are typically designed so that the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode does not undergo such a potential shift. . For 
instance this electrode can be made large enough that the current gentrated 
by the analyte concentrations typically encountered does not consume 

1 5 enough silver ions to cause such a shift. 

The use of a third, "dumm/* electrode, however, imposes an 
additional current load on the pseudo reference/counter electrode. In the 
typical glucose meter where an oxidation reaction occurs at tiie working 
electrode, the reduction reaction occurring at the pseudo reference/counter 

20 electrode must balance not only the oxidation reaction at the working 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

electrode but also any oxidation reaction occuning at the "dummy" 
electrode. This additional burden may be sufficient to shift the half-cell 
potential of the pseudo reference/counter electrode out of its design range. 

This is a particular problem in glucose meters which utilize an 
initially reduced mediator such as a ferrocene derivative. In such a meter 
there is an initial high current load as the mediator is oxidized at both the 
working and "dummy" electrodes. If there is also a high level of glucose in 
the sample beii^ tested, there will also be a fairly high current load from the 
reoxidation of mediator initially reduced as a result of the oxidation of the 
glucose. The combined cunent load has a tendency to adversely effect the 
half-cell potential of the pseudo reference/counter electrode. 

'The total cuirent load on the pseudo reference/counter electrode can 
be reduced by increasing the resistance in the overall circuit. However, it is 
impractical to change the resistance in the circuit involving the working 
electrode. The metars used with the disposable test strips of present concern 
are calibrated to correlate the level of cunent in the working electrode circuit 
after sometime period or ovct some fixed time interval after exposure of the 
test strip to the sample to the concentration of target analyte. Then the 
meters are distributed to a large number of users who expect to use the 
meters with the disposable test strips for a number of years. Thus it is 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

electrode circuit increases, i.e. there are few species to support electron 
transfer. Thus although there will always be a fixed difference in resistance 
between the working and "dummy'' electrodes circuits the percentage 
difference will decrease as the effective resistance in the working electrode 
circuit increases. 

In an alternative embodiment, the three electrode arrangement is used 
to simultaneously measure the concentration of two analytes. In this case 
there are two working electrodes and one pseudo reference/counter 
electrode. The first working electrode is designed to operate with a first 
substance that engages one of the target analytes in an oxidation reduction 
reaction at a relatively low potential. The second working electrode is 
designed to operate with a second substance that engages the other target 
analyte in an oxidation reduction reaction only at a higher potential. For 
ease in manufacturing both working electrodes are typically coated with 
both substances and appropriate mediators. However, the test strip is 
designed so that the second substance which is coated on the first working 
electrode remains inactive. In particular, the electrical resistance in the 
circuit path firom the contact pad connected to the first working electrode 
through the first working electrode is significantly greatly than the electrical 
resistance in the circuit path from the contact pad connected to the second 


WOW/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

impractical to make any change in such test sti-ips which would require a 
corresponding change in the meter with which they aire used. 

It has, however, been found that the resistance in the "dummy" 
electrode circuit can be increased without adversely effecting the interaction 
between the disposable test strip and its meter. The function of the 
"dummy" electrode is to allow subtraction from the total signal or current at 
the working electrode of that portion attributable to superious oxidation- 
reduction reactions with species in the complex liquid medium other than the 
target ^lyte. This subtraction is only of concoii at the time or over the 
interval during Which the current at the working electrode is measured for 
correlation to the arialyte concentration. Typically such measurements are 
made after the resistance of the overall system is comparatively high after 
most of the oxidation at the working electrode has already occurred. It has 
been discovered that at this point the difference in electrochemical 
environments at the working and "dummy" electrodes is insufficient to 
adversely effect tiie function of the dummy electrode. 

The relative diffdrence in electrocheniical mvironmrn^ 
working electrode aihda "dummy*' electrode with added resistance does tend 
to decrease as a test cycle proceeds As the rnediator subject to reoxidation 
at the working electrode decreases the effective resistance in the working 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

working electrode through the working electrode. Thus when a certain 
electrical potential is applied to the contact pads of both electrodes relative 
to the pseudo reference/counter electrode, the effective potential at the first 
working electrode is less than that at the second working elec^ode, some of 
the potential drop having been expended traversing the higher circuit 

The two analyte embodiment is applied to the simultaneous 
measurement of ketones and glucose by utiUzing an enzyme mediator 
^tem for the ketones which operates at +200mV and an enzyme mediator 
system for the glucose which operates at -HCKtaiv. In particular, hydroxy 
butyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH) with a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 
(NADH) cofector and a 1,10-phenanthroline quinone (1,10 PQ) mediator is 
used for Ae ketones and glucose oxidase with a ferrocene derivative 
mediator is used for the glucose. 

The low operating potential of the HBDH/NADH/1 , 1 0 PQ system is a 
significant advantage for an analyte like ketones which has a limited linear 
resjponse range. In the case of ketones a linear response i? typically expected 
only over a range of between about 0 and 8 milli Molar. By pperating at a 
low potential interferience firom other species which might undergo an 
oxidation reduction reaction at a higher potential is avoided. In other words. 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

the probability that another cheiiiical species in the sainple might become 
oxidized and deUver electrons to the first working electrode thus making a 
superious contribution to the current sensed at this electrode is minimized. 

The potential at the first working electrode is adjusted so that upon the 
application of a 400mV potential between the second working electrode and 
the reference/counter electrode the potential between this first working 
electrode and the reference/counter electrode is 200mV. This adjustment is 
effected by increasing the resistance of the circuit path involving this 
electrode relative to that involving the second working electrode by an 
appropriate amount in one of the ways discussed hereinabove. 

The current sensed at the first working electrode is the result of the 
oxidation of ketones while that sensed at the second working electrode is the 
result of the oxidation of both ketones and glucose. The amount of current 
at each electrode can then be employed m a skaple simultaneous equation to 
determine the concentration of ketones and glucose in the same sample, 

It is, of course, possible to coat only the first working electrode with 
the ketcmes sensitive chemistry and to coat only the second workiiig 
electrode with only the glucose sensitive chemistry. This would be expected 
to result in higher mahufacturirig costs. Typically the disppsable test strips 
are manufactured by a series of printmg steps so that applying different 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

chemistries to each working electrode would require additional printing 

A particular application of the concept of a high resistance dummy 
electrode to the measurement of glucose is illustrated in Figures I through 5. 
In the strips illustrated, the working electrode and the dummy electrode each 
had a surface area of 6.6 1 2 square millimeters while the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode had a surface area of 4. 18 square millinieters. 
The conductive tracks which connect the contact pads to the electrode pads 
are in most eases 0.801 niillimeters. In two cases the conductive track 
associated with the dunmiy electrode was narrowed to 0.5 10 millimeters and 
0.305 inillimeters, as illustrated in Figures la and lb. 

Two different conductive layer prints are illustrated in Figs, la (Track 
A) and lb (Track B). A control conductive layer print, in which the working 
and dunmiy electrodes have the same resistance, is shown in Fig. 2. 
Referring to Figs. la,-lb and 2; the electrode configuration on the scdsoi 
strips has three printed layers of electrically conducting carbon ink 2. The 
layers define the positions of the pseudo reference/counter electrode 4, the 
working elecirode 5; the dtunmy electrode 5a and electrical contacts 3. 

Referring to Fig. 2, working electrode 5 has a track width 1 6 that is 
equal to track width 16a of dunmiy electrode 5a. Equal track widths 16 and 


wo 99/58709 . FCT/GB99/01424 

16a give the working electrode and dummy electrode equal resistances. 
Referring to Figs, la and lb. track widths 16b and 16c of dummy electrode 
5a are narrower than track width 1 6a of the control in Fig. 2. The 
conductive layer of dummy electrode 5a is narrowed in order to increase the 
resistance of the dummy electrode relative to the working electrode 
resistance. Track width 16c is smaller than track width 16b. Thus, the 
resistance of dummy electrode 5a in Track A (Fig. la) is greater than the 
resistance of dummy electrode 5a in Track B (Fig. lb). 

The composition of the conductive layers can also affect the resistance 
of the electrodes. Generally, the conductive layers of the electrodes are 
printed at the same time with the same ink. The conductive layers can be 
printed with a low carbon-content ink or a high carbon-content ink. Low 
carbon-content had a carbon content of between 30 and 3 1 weight percent 
and a resin content of between 7 and 9 weight percent. The high carbon- 
content ink has a carbon content of between 42 aiid 45 weight percent, and a 
resin content of between 7 and 9 weight percoit: 

A suitable electrode sensor strip is illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4. 

Referring to Figs. 3 and 4, the electrode support 1 , an elongated strip of 
plastic material (e.g., PVC, polycarbonate, or polyester) supports three 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

printed tracks of electrically conducting carbon ink 2. These printed tracks 
define the positions of the pseudo reference/counter electrode 4, of the 
working electrode 5, of the dummy electrode 5a, and of the electrical 
contacts 3 that are inserted into an appropriate measurement device (not 
shown). The conductive layer of dummy electrode 5a is narrowed in order 
to increase the resistance of the dummy electrode relative to the working 

The elongated portions of the conductive tracks are each overlaid with 
silver/silver chloride particle tracks 6a and 6b, with the enlarged exposed 
area ovCTlying 4, and 6b and 4 together forming the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode. The conductive track or layer for dummy 
electrode 5a is not overlaid with silvar/silver chloride. .This further increases 
the resistance of the dmnmy electrode. The conductive tracks are further 
overlaid with a layer of hydrophobic electrically insulating material 7 that 
leaves exposed only the positions of the pseudo reference/counter electrode, 
the working electrode and the dununy electrode, and the con^^ This 
hydrophobic insulating inaterial prevents short circuits. Because this 
iiistilating material is hydrophobic, it can confine the sample-to the exposed 
electrodes. A preferred insulating material is available as POLYPLAST° 
(Sericol Ltd., Broadstairs, Kent, UK). 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

The working electrode working area 8 is formed from an ink that 
includes a mixture of an enzyme, a mediator/and a conductive material. 
The dummy electrode working area is formed from ink that includes a 
mixture ofa mediator and a conductive material without enzyme. The 
5 respective inks are applied to the positions 5 and 5a of carbon tracks 2 as 
discrete areas of fixed length. Alternatively, instead of an enzyme, electrode 
layer 8 can contain a substrate catalytically reactive with an enzyme to be 
assayed. The conductive material in a preferred embodiment includes 
particulate carbon having the redox mediator adsorbed thereon. 


A printing ink is formed as an aqueous solution of the conductor and 

adsorbed redox mediator. For the working electrode, it also includes the 

enzyme or. alteniatively, a substrate. When the analyte to be measured is 

blood glucose, the en^e is preferably glucose'oxidase, and the redox 

15 mediator is a ferrocoie diaivative. 

The ink can be screen printed: The ink can include a polysaccharide 

(e.g., a guar giiih or an alginate), a Iqrdrdlyzed gelatin, an enzyme stabilizer 
(e!g., glutamate or trehalose), a film-forming polymer (e.g., a polyvinyl 
alcohol), a conductive filler (e.g., carbon), ia redox mediator (e.g;, ferrocene 
20 or a ferrocene derivative), a defoaniing agent, a buffer, and an enzyme or a 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

subistrate. The ink printed on a dummy electrode lacks the enzyme or the 
. substrate. 

The pseudp reference/counter electrode 6b is situated relative to the 
working electrode 8 and dummy electrode 8a such that it is in a non-ideal 
5 position for efficient electrochemical function. The electrodes are arranged 
not to rniniinize the effect of the resistance of the solution on the overall 
resistance of the circuit (as is conventional), Positioning the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode downstream of the working electrode has the 
advantage of preventing completion of a circuit (and thus detection of a 
10 response) before the working electrode has been completely covered by 

The electrode area is overlaid by a fine grade mesh 9. This mesh 
protects the printed components from physical d£umage. It also helps the 
sample to wet the pseudo reference/counter electrode and working electrode 

15 by reducing the surface tension of the sample, thereby allowing it to spread 
evenly over the electrodes. Preferably, this mesh layer extends over the 
whole length of the sample path, between and including, the application 
point and the electrode: area. Preferably, this.mesh is constructed of finely 
woven nyloii strands. Altematiyely, any. woven or non-woven material can 

20 be used, provided it does not occlude the surface of the electrode such that 


wo 99/58709 PCT/CB99/0I424 

nonnal difftision is obstructed. The thickness of the mesh is selected so that 

the resulting sample depth is sufficiently small to produce a high solution 

resistance. Preferably, the fabric is not more than 70 \im in thickness. 

Preferably the mesh has a percent open area of about 40 to about 45%, a 

mesh count of about 95 to about 1 15 per cm, a fiber diameter of about 20 to 

about 40 ^im, and a thickness of from about 40 to about 60 urn. A suitable 

mesh is NY'64 HC mesh, available from Sefar (foraierly ZBF), CH-8803, 

Ruschlikon, Switzerland. 

The mesh can be surfactant coated. This is only necessary if the mesh 

material itself is hydrophobic (for example, nylon or polyester), If a 

hydrophilic mesh is used, the surfectant coating can be omitted. Any 

suitable surfactant can be used to coat the mesh, so long as it allows 

adequate even spreading of the sample. A prefeired surfactant is FC 170C 

FLUORAD° fluorochemical surfactant (3M, St. Paul, MN). FLUORAD° is 

a solution of a fluoroaliphatic oxyethylene adduct, lower polyethylene 

glycols, 1 ,4-dioxane, and water. A prefeired surfactant loading for most 

applications is from about 15-20 ng/mg of mesh. The prcfetred surfactant 

loading will vary depending on the type of mesh and surfectant used and the 

sample to be analyzed. It can be detennined empirically by observing fiow 

of the sample through the mesh with different levels of surfactant. 


wo 99/58709 


A second layer of coarser surfactant coated mesh 10 is applied over 
. the first mesh. This second mesh layer controls the influx of the sample ais it 
travels firom the application point toward the pseudo reference/counter and 
working electrode areas by providing a space into which the displaced air 
5 within the sample transfer path can move as the sample moves preferentially 
along the lower fine grade mesh layer 9 and partially in mesh layer 10. The 
spacing of the larger fibers of the secondary mesh layar, perpendicular to the 
direction of sample flow, helps to control the sample flow by presenting 
repeated physiical barriers to the movement of the sample as it travels 
10 through the transfer path. The regular pattern ofthe mesh fibers ensures that 
the sample progresses in stages and that only samples with sufficioit volume 
to generate an accurate response are able to pass all the way along the 
. pathway and reach the pseudo reference/counter electrode. 

15 Preferably, mesh 10 is pfa woven construction, so that it presents a 

rejgular repeating pattern of mesh fibers both perpendicular to and parallel to 
the longest aspect of the strip. Generally, the second mesh layer should be 
substantially thicker than the first mesh, with larger diameter^esh fibers 
and largCT apertures between them. The lai^er mesh preferably has a 

20 thickness of firom 100 to 1000 |im, with a thickness of from 100 to 150 jmi 


wo 99^709 • PCr/GB99/01424 

being most preferred. A preferred mesh has a percent open area of about 50 
to about 55%, a mesh count of from about 45 to about 55 per cm, and a fiber 
diameter of from about 55 to about 65 \an. A preferred mesh is NY 1 5 1 HC 
mesh, also available from Sefar, CH-8803, Rushchlikon, Switzerland. 
5 Mesh 10 is also provided with a coating of a suitable surfactant 

(unless the mesh itself is hydrophilic). Preferably, it is the same surfactant 
as that on the first mesh layer. The loading of surfactant is lower on mesh 
10 than on mesh 9, providing a fiiither barrier to movement of sample past 
the transverse fibers of mesh 10. In general, a loading of 1-10 jig/mg of 

10 mesh is preferred. 

The mesh layers 9 and 10 are held in place by layers of hydrophobic 
electrically insulating ink 1 1. These layers can be appUed by screm printing 
the ink over a portion of the peripheries of the meshes. Together, the layers 
and mesh surround and define a suitable sample transfer path 12 for the 

15 sample to travel from the application point at the fiirthest end of the sfrip 
towards the working elecfrode and pseudo reference/counter electrode. The 
ink impregnates the miesh outside of path 1 2. The insulating material thus 
defines sample transfer path 12 by not allowing sample to infiltrate the area 
of mesh covered by the layers of insulating material. A preferred insulating 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

ink Tor impregnating the mesh layers is SERICARD° (Sericol, Ltd., 
Broads tairs, Kent, UK). 

The upper part of the electrode is enclosed by a liquid/vapor 
impermeable cover membrane 13. This can be a flexible tape made of 
polyester or similar material which includes a small aperture 14 to allow 
access of the applied sample to the underlying surfactant coated mesh layers. 
The impermeable cover membrane encloses the exposed working electrode 
and pseudo reference/counter electrode. Thus, it maintains the available 
sample space over the electrodes at a fixed height which is equivalent to the 
thickness of both mesh layers 9 and 10. This ensures that the solution 
resistance is kept at a high level. Any sample thickness up to the maximum 
depth of the two mesh layors is adequate in this respect. Aperture 14 is 
positioned overlying the furthest end of the open mesh area, remote from the 
pseudo reference/counter electrode 6b, such that the exposed area of mesh 
beneath the aperture can be used as a point of access or application for the 
liquid sainple to be measured. The aperture can be of any suitable size large 
enough to allow sufficient volume of sample to pass through to the mesh 
layers. It should not be so large as to expose any of the area of ti^^ 
electrodes. The aperture is formed in the cover membrane by any suitable 
method (e.g., die punching). The cover membrane is affixed to the strip 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/0I424 

along a specific section, not including the electrodes, the sample transfer 
path or application area, using a suitable method of adhesion. Preferably 
this is achieved by coating the underside of a polyester tape with a layer of 
hot melt glue which is then heat welded to the electrode surface. The hot 
melt glue layer is typically of a coating weight between 10-50 g/m , 
preferably from 20 to 30 g^il Pressure sensitive glues or other equivalent 
methods of adhesion may also be used. Care should be taken when the tape 
is applied, the heat and pressure applied to the cover membrane can melt the 
SERICARD° and can cause it to smear onto adjoining areas. 

The upper surface of the cover membrane can also be usefully 
provided with a layer of silicone or other hydrophobic coating which helps 
to drive the applied sample onto the portion of exposed surfactant coated 
mesh at the application point and thus make the application of small 
volumes of sample inuch simpler. 

In use, a disposable test stirip of the inventirai is connected, via electrode 
contacts 3. to a meter (not shown). A sample is applied to aperture 14, and 
moves along the saniple transfer path 12. The progress of the sample is 
sufficiently impeded by mesh layer 10 to allow the sample to form a uniform 
front rather than flowing non-uniformly. Air is displaced thorough the upper 

wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99/01424 

portion of mesh layer 10 to and through aperture 14. The sample first covers 
working electrode 5 in its entirety, and only then approaches and covers 
pseudo reference/counter electrode 4. This completes the circuit and causes 
a response to be detected by the ineasuring device. 

5 The effect of increasing the resistance of a dummy electrode in a 

system for measuring glucose in a whole blood sample was electronically 
modeled. In particular, Medisense G2a diisposable test strips which utilize 
glucose oxidase and a forocene mediator were tested using venous blood 
spiked with glucose to a concentration of ISmM. The electronics was used 

1 0 to simulate the effect of having a dummy electrode with each of five added 
resistances from zero to infinity (no dummy electrode). An initial potoitial 
relative to the pseudo reference/counter electrode of 400 mV was imposed 
on the working electrode and the current at the working electrode was 
monitored over time. The results were reported in Figure 5. 

15 Figure 5 illustrates that as the resistance increases so does the current 

at tte working electrode. This is an indirect indipation that the half cell 
potential of the pseudo jrefCTence/counter electrode is being stabilized. In an 
ideal situation the current at the working electrode should be independent of 
the resistance of the dummy electrode and should just depend upon the rate 

20 at which glucose is oxidized. However, in the real world the extra current 


wo 99/58709 . PCT/GB99/0I424 

load imposed on the pseudo reference/coiinleir electrode by the dummy 
electrode does cause an observable shift in the half cell potential of the 
pseudo reference/counter electrode. This in turn has an effect upon the 
current observed at the working electrode. As the potential difference 
5 between the working and pseudo reference/counter electrodes decreases 

because of this shift so does the current at the working electrode. 

In addition, under some conditions the current decay at the working 
electrode departs from the expected model. In particular, it is expected the 
cuirent will decrease monotonicly with time and tend to exhibit the behavior 

10 predicted by the CottreU equation. However, under certain conditions when 
the dummy electrode is imposing a significant current load on the pseudo 
reference/counter electrode the cuirent at the working electrode departs from 
classical behavior and may actually increase with time over some short time 
period. This is clearly illustrated in the lowest most curve of Figure 5, 

15 wluch represents a disposable test strip in which there is no resistance 

differential between the circuit path involving the working electrode and that 

involving the dummy electrode. 

The glucose meters with which the disposable test strips of pr^ent 

concem are typically used have electronic features designed to detect invalid 
20 test results. One of these check features is a monitoring of the current decay 


wo 99/58709 PCT/GB99yO]424 

al the working electrode. If this decay is not monotonic the meter will report 
an error condition and abort the test. 

Thus increasing the resistance of the dummy electrode has been 
shown to be effective in decreasing the likelihood of a non-monotonic 
current decay at the working electrode and the consequent abortion of a test. 


wo 99/58709 



1^ A disposable test strip suitable for attachment 

to the signal readout circuitry of a meter which performs 
an amperometric test to detect a current representative 
of the concentration of an analyte in a complex liquid 

medium comprising: 

(a) a working electrode which comprises an 
electrode pad coated with both a substance designed to 
engage said analyte in. an oxidation- redact ion reaction 
and a mediator compound which will transfer electrons 
between the oxidation-reduction reaction and the 

electrode pad; 

(b) a dummy electrode which comprises an 
electrode pad which is coated with about the same amount 
of mediator compound as the working electrode but lacks 
the sxibstance which engages the analyte in the oxidation- 
reduction reaction; 

(c) a pseudo reference/counter electrode which 
comprises an electrode pad coated with a material which 
contains both the oxidized and reduced form of a chemical 
species which is designed to undergo a reduction or 
oxidation reaction to balance the opposite reaction at 

;the working and dummy electrodes; and 

(d) three conductive tracks, each of which 
extends from a contact pad adajpted to interface with said 
readout circuitry to brie of the electrode pads and which 
is in electrical contact with both its contact pad and 
its electrode pad; 

wherein the electrical resistance in the circuit path 
from the contact pad connected to the dummy electrode 
through the dummy electrode is significantly greater than 
the electrical resistance in the circuit path from the 
contact pad connected to the working electrode through, 
the working electrode. 


wo 99/58709 


2. The disposable test strip of Claim 1 wherein 

the greater electrical resistance in the dumrny electrode 
circuit is provided by increasing the resistance of the 
conductive track connecting the dummy electrode to its 
contact pad, 

3* The disposable test strip of Claim i or 2, 

further comprising an elongate support having a 
substantially flat, planar surface arranged to be 
releasably attached to the readout circuitry. 

4. The disposable test strip of Claim 3 wherein 
the three conductive tracks are created by coating 
conductive particles on the elongated support. 

5. The disposable test strip of Claim 4 wherein 
the conductive particles comprise carbon. 

6. The disposable test strip of Claim 4 or 5 
wherein a greater electrical resistance is imparted to 
the conductive track connecting the dummy electrode to 
its contact pad by using a smaller volume of conductive 
particles in this track as compared to that used in the 
conductive track connecting the working electrode to its 
contact pad. 

7. The disposable test strip of any one of Claims 
2 to 6 wherein the conductive track connecting the dummy 
electrode to its contact pad is narrower than the 
conductive track connecting the working electrode to its 
contact pad. ] ^ ' . 

8. The disposable test strip of any one of Claims 
2 to 7 wherein the conductive track connecting the dummy 
electrode to its contact pad is thinner than the 
conductive track connecting the working electrode to its 
contact pad. 



9: . The disposable test strip of any one of Claims 

2 to 8 wherein the conductive track connecting the dummy 
electrode to its contact pad hais a different composition 
than the conductive track connecting the working 
electrode to its contact pad. 

10. The disposable test strip of Claim 9 wherein 
both the conductive track connected to the dummy 
electrode and the conductive track connected to the 
working electrode are comprised of carbon particles but 
only the latter conductive track is coated with silver. 

11. The disposable test strip of any one of Claims 
2 to 10 wherein the conductive track connecting the dummy 
electrode to its contact pad is longer than the 
conductive track connecting the working electrode to its 
contact pad. 

12. The disposable test strip of any one of the 
preceding claims wherein the analyte is glucose and the 
substance engaging the analyte in an oxidation reduction 
reaction is ah enzyme. 

13 . . The disposable test strip of Claim 12 wherein 
the enzyme is glucose oxidase!. 

14. The disposable test strip of any one of the 
preceding claims wherein the mediator is a ferrocene 

15. The disposable test strip of any one of the 
preceding claims wherein said pseudo reference /counter 
electrode comprises an electrode pad coated with a 
mixture of silver and silver chloride. 

16. The disposable test strip of any one of the 
preceding claims wherein the electrical resistance in 


wo 99/58709 


said dummy electrode circuit is at least 1000 ohms 
greater than in said working electrode circuit path. 

17. A disposable test strip suitable for attachment 

to the signal readout circuitry of a meter which performs 
an amperometric, test to detect currents representative of 
the concentrations of multiple analytes in a liquid 
medium comprising: 

(a) a first working electrode which comprises 
an electrode pad coated with both a substance designed to 
engage one of the multiple analytes in an oxidation- 
reduction reaction at a first electrical potential 
difference and a mediator compound which will transfer 
electrons between its oxidation-reduction reaction and 
its electrode pad; 

(b) a second working electrode which comprises 
an electrode pad which is coated with both a substance 
designed to engage another of the multiple analytes in an 
oxidation- reduction reaction at a second electrical 
potential difference which is significantly greater than 
said first electrical potential difference and another 
mediator compound which will transfer electrons between 
its oxidation-reduction reaction and its electrode pad; 

(c) a pseudo reference/counter electrode which 
comprises an electrode pad coated with a material which 
contains both the oxidized and reduced form of a chemical 
species which is designed to undergo a reduction or 
oxidation reaction to balamce the opposite reactions at 
the first and second working electrodes; and 

(d) three .conductive tracks, each^of which 
extends from a contact pad intended to interface with 
said readout circuitry to one of the electrode pads and 
which is in electrical contact with both its contact pad 
and its electrode pad; 

wherein the electrical resistance in the circuit path 
from the contact pad connected to the first working 


wo 99/58709 


electrode through the first working electrode is 
significantly greater than the electrical resistance in 
the circuit path from the contact pad connected to the 
second working electrode through the second working 

18 . The dispoisable test strip of Claim 17 wherein 
there are only two working electrodes, 

19. The disposable test strip of Claim 17 or 18 
wherein the pseudo reference/ counter electrode comprises 
an electrode pad coated with a mixture of silver and 
silver chloride. 

20. ' The disposable test strip of any one of Claims 
17 to 19 wherein the first working electrode comprises an 
enzyme system adapted to engage ketones and a suitable 
mediator and the second working electrode comprises an 
enzyme suitable to engage glucose and a suitable 

21. The disposable test strip of Claim 20 wherein 
the first working electrode comprises a HBDH/NADH/1,00 PQ 
system and the second working electrode comprises glucose 
oxidase and a ferrocene based mediator. 

22. The disposable test strip of Claim 21 wherein 
the resistance in the first working electrode circuit is 
such that when a 400 mV potential exists between the 
second working electrode and the pseudo reference/counter 
electrode there is a 200 mV potential between the first 
working electrode and the pseudo reference/counter 

23 . A disposable test strip svibstantially as. shown 
in or described with respect to Figures la, lb, 3, 4 or 5 
oiE the accon^amying drawings. 


wo 99/58709 



wo 99/58709 


suBsrrruTE sheet (rule 2B) 

wo 99/58709 




Ml JoMi Appllettien No - 

PCT/GB 99/01424 


IPC 6 C12Q1/00 G01N27/327 C12M1/40 C12Q1/54 C12Q1/26 

According to IntamaHonaj Palent CtassBteaikm (IPC) or to both nattenal daasiffcatten and iPC 


Minimum documantatkm aeaiched (classiScatlon system loOowed tiy dassiScation symtwts) 

IPC 6 C12Q 601N C12M 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent thai such documents are included In the fields searched 

Electronic data 1)880 oonsufted during the international search (name of data base and. where practical, search terms used) 


Category < 

Citation of document, with Indteatlon. where appropriate, of the relevanl p as sa g es 

Relevant to claim No. 

vol. 097, no. 012, 
25 December 1997 (1997-12-25) 
& JP 09 201337 A (CASIO COMPUT CO LTD), 
5 August 1997 (1997-08-05) 


US 5 628 890 A (CARTER NIGEL F 
13 May 1997 (1997-05-13) 
cited In the appllcatton . 
the whole docunent 

US 5 509 410 A (HILL HUGH A 0 
23 April 1996 (1996-04-23) 





l=urther documents are istfldin the continuation of box C. 

PflSent iutSbjf memtMfB are Bsted In annex. 

* Spec i al categoriss of dted documents i 

*A* document de&tlng the general state of the artwhtohbnol 
considered to be of particular reieivance 
earifar document butpubMied on or sftar the htsmaSonal 

V document which may throw doubte on piiorty da!m(s)or 

wtdch b cSed to eitobfish the pubUcailon date of another 
citation orolherspeda! reason (as specified) 

V d o c ume nt l el eii tr igto an oral tfaclpeui e^ use^ eodiSritionor 
other means 

■P* document pubtehed prior to the Intemaliorral f^ng data but 
later ttian ttie pcforty date claimed 

*r later document pubBshed after the international faing data 
or priority date and not InoontBclwBh the appBcation but 
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the 

"X" document of particular lelavanes; the datmad invention 
cannot be oonsidsred novel or cannot be considered to 
Involve an inventhre step when the document is takenalone 

"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed imrention 
cannot be centred to ^ivolve an inventive step when the 
document is oomUned wkh one or more other such docth 
- merits, such oomlrination being obvious to a person skiOed 
in ttie art, 

docanent member of the same patent famffy 

Data of the actual oomplBllon of the intematioftal eeaioh 

2 August 1999 

Date of malingof the international search report 


Name and inaffing address of ttie ISA 

European Patent Office. P-B. 5810 PatenUaan 2 
Tel. (+31.70) 340-2040. Tx. 31 651 epo nl, 

Author teed officer 

Moreno, C 

Fom PCmSAaiO (MQoed ihaeO (Jdy 1992) 

page 1 of 2 

internahonajl search report 

Int JonsI Applleation No 

PCT/GB 99/01424 


Calegofy* Citation ol docimieiit. wfth lmicatlon.iiv^ 

Rdovsnt to d^Ri No» 

EP 0 593 096 A (MEOISENSE INC) 

20 April 1994 (1994-04-20) 
the whole document 

WO 97 30344 A (SELFCARE INC) 

21 August 1997 (1997-08-21) 


Ftaira PGT/ISAfilO (oMilnnlloii of MOondthMQ UO^ 19881 

page 2 of 



iiiitoniurtlofi on pfltsnt tunUy nwmbws 

M« lemlApplleatlenlto 

PCT/6B 99/01424 

Patent document 


Patent family 


Cfted in search report 



date . 

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THIS PASi BUNK (uspto)